Please specify if you wish to receive couple’s counseling from us. When you request couple’s counseling we will assume, unless you state otherwise, that your coupled relationship is our client and not an individual. All that we do, all that we will work towards with you, will be predicated upon that assumption.
We have found in our counseling experience that successful results from counseling require clients to take an active role in the treatment process by participating in treatment goal setting and keeping the change process alive by completing homework assignments between counseling sessions. All counseling approaches require us to build an honest, trusting, and respectful relationship with each other.
Because we are client centered in our approach to counseling, what are issues for you in your coupled relationship are the issues we will deal with in session. We have no interest in making issues out of things you do as a couple that are not issues for either of you. That being said, in our experience in working with couples, most issues can be traced back to problems with communication. We will do our best to teach you to communicate clearly, effectively, and often.